Part of the HUB lab workshops
WORKSHOP – Introduction to JavaScript
1PM – 4PM, September 05, 2009
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
1825 Main Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada V6T 1Z2
JavaScript, best known for its ability to add functionality and enrich the experience of otherwise static web pages, is one of the most popular scripting languages that exist today. In this workshop you will learn the basics of working with JavaScript. Topics include a discussion of some artworks that use JavaScript, language structure and syntax, and some common uses on the Internet. Through a series of in-class projects, participants will learn what they need to start working with JavaScript as well as the concepts that will become the basis of any future programming projects.
Workshop capacity is limited. Please register online by visiting and clicking the ‘register here’ link at the bottom of the page.
TALK – Jer Thorp
7PM – 9PM, September 15, 2009
Room 102, Frederic Lasserre Building,
University of British Columbia
6333 Memorial Rd.
Jer Thorp is an artist and educator from Vancouver, Canada. A former geneticist, his digital art practice explores the many-folded boundaries between science and art. Recently, his work has been featured by The New York Times, The Guardian, BusinessWeek and the CBC. Learn more about Jer Thorp at
WORKSHOP – Introduction to Processing
1PM – 4PM, September 19, 2009
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
1825 Main Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia,
Canada V6T 1Z2
Processing is an open source programming language and environment for students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who want to program images, animation, and interactions. In this workshop you will learn the basics of working with Processing. Topics include a discussion of artworks made with Processing, language structure and syntax, creating simple interactivity and image creating and manipulation. Through a series of in-class projects, participants will learn what they need to start working with Processing as well as the concepts that will become the foundation of any future programming projects.
Workshop capacity is limited. Please register online by visiting and clicking the ‘register here’ link at the bottom of the page.
HUB Workshops and Talks are free of charge.
About HUB:Centre for Art & Technology
HUB is an experimental art initiative focused on collaboration, the sharing of ideas and knowledge, and the creative exploration of information technologies. Built around the principles of the Open Source movement, HUB aims to create a collaborative, interdisciplinary environment that provides free and open access to current and emerging technologies. To learn more, please visit