Opening reception 5 to 7 pm October 12, 2011. Exhibition runs to November 5, 2011.
An exhibition of work by 2nd year MFA students Ali Ahadi, Nelly Cesar, Kevin Day, Yan Luo, Nahan McNinch, and Erika Petro.
Gallery open 12 to 4 pm Wednesday to Saturday.
- Where Nothing Is In Its Place Lies Disorder
- Where Nothing Is In Its Place Lies Disorder
- Lux Petrova. Erika Petro
- in the mystery of the hour a coded message qrliyctesbtisrovqfvcfkfqlezeq 1.361 kw/m2 all farewells are sudden. Nathan McNinch
- Symbiosis. Yan Luo
- Rorschach Conversation on Pattern Recognition. Kevin Day
- To my dear world obsessed with penetration 3. Nelly Cesar
- An ideological question about the fifth type of subject that is induced by an amorous encounter. (and now, the marine subject). Ali Ahadi