Visual Art 321 and 350 Students Present The ECHO Banners

Monday April 16, 2007

The results of a collaborative process involving more than 225 UBC students, faculty and staff in the making of a series of 23 large-scale banners related to issues of biodiversity and sustainability in the GVRD and Selected Prints and Drawings.

The collaborative ECHO Banners thematically bridge aspects of art and science and have been produced as part of a Terry Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Project (TLEF) with UBC Sustainability.

The final banner designs completed by VISA 321 Drawing and VISA 350 Print Media students, and print media staff and faculty of the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory (AHVAT).  A public component to this project enabled students in these two visual art classes to collaborate with students from the UBC community at large in sessions that took part throughout March of this year.  Additionally, VISA 183 foundation students made a significant contribution to the project. The resulting banners were digitally printed at the AHVAT Print Media Research Center.

Terry Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund website