Thomas Crow
Yale University
James Meyers
Emory university
David Howard
Nova Scotia School of Art & Design
Caroline Jones
Boston Universtiy
Ted Jones
Poetry Reading
Jonathan Katz
City college of San Francisco
Cecile Whiting
University of California, Los Angeles
Jonathan Weinberg
Yale university
Jennifer Durrie
Universoty of British Columbia
Anne Wagner
University of California, Berkeley
Aniko Bodroghkozy
University of Alberta
Edward Halter
New York Underground Film Festival
Patricia Kelly
University of British Columbia
Carol Wells
Center for the Study of Political Graphics
Laurent Gervereau
Musse s’histoire contemporaine
Round Table: “Media, Medium and Message”
Richard Cavell
Eric Metcalfe
Michael Morris
Ira Nadel
John O’Brian
Round Table: “Over There”
Patrick Anderson
Thomas Crow
Ted Joans
Jill Carrick