Nick-Bradford Ewart, Jocelyne Chaput, Mark Curry, Khan Lee, Brady Marks, moderated by Judy Radul
This talk is a practical discussion of the approaches to, technological coordination, and production of Judy Radul’s World Rehearsal Court. Though intended for a general audience, the talk may be particularly interesting to individuals who work with technology or are considering embarking on such projects. The panel can share their experiences in the planning, coordinating, and testing of computer controlled cameras and switching systems; High Definition format long program playback; handling multi track projects in Final Cut; and Max MSP Camera Choreography system development.
However, this discussion will not be an unconsidered rush into techno-celebrationism. Those on the production team are creators in their own right, users who “pervert” technology to their own purposes rather than follow prescribed routes. The talk will also turn at points to how each negotiates a relationship with technology, and how the participants think that working with specific technologies might condition their understanding of the world around them.
“I shall call an apparatus literally anything that has in some way the capacity to capture, orient, determine, intercept, model, control, or secure the gestures, behaviours, opinions, or discourses of living beings. …[W]e have two great classes: living beings (or substances) and apparatuses. And, between these two, a third class, subjects. I call a subject that which results from the relation and, so to speak, from the relentless fight between living beings and apparatuses.” (Giorgio Agamben, What is an Apparatus?)
An on-line exhibition catalogue will be available in spring 2010 and will include contributions by Costas Douzinas, Professor of Law and Director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, London and Anselm Franke, Artistic Director, Extra City Center for Contemporary Art, Antwerp.
This project is supported by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Creation Grants in Fine Arts, The Canada Council for the Arts, the British Columbia Arts Council, BAK basis voor actuele kunst, Utrech, and the Western Front Media Arts Artist-in-Residence Program, Vancouver. Anselm Franke’s presentation is supported by the UBC Curatorial Lecture Series.
For more information contact Naomi Sawada at (604) 822-3640 or
Image: Judy Radul, World Rehearsal Court (production still), 2009.