Please join the UBC Art History Students’ Association and the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory for the 15th Annual Undergraduate Art History Symposium & UBC Undergraduate Journal of Art History and Visual Culture launch:
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
5:00 to 8:30 PM
Frederic Lasserre Building, Room 102
6333 Memorial Rd, Vancouver
Shortly after the symposium presentations will be the launch of annual print publication of the Undergraduate Journal of Art History and Visual Culture (UJAH).
“The Perfect Ontological Nightmare: Understanding Alex Da Corte’s Slow Graffiti as Monstrous Drag”: Karina Greenwood
“Memory, Space, and Selfhood in Transition: Yin Xiuzhen’s Heterotopographic Vision of Beijing”: Yue Yao
“Wild Revival: The Photography of Edward Curtis and the Fetishization of the Wild West”: Jacinta Jones
“Unbound by Preconceptions: Urination and Abstraction in the Artwork of Cassils and Andy Warhol”: Alexandra Chalier
We aim to foster a supportive environment for research at the undergraduate level. Students will present their research in order to receive feedback and showcase undergraduate research on art history and visual culture. Their abstracts will be published in the print edition of UJAH and the entire essay will be available on