PhD Art History Roundtable Presentations

Saturday November 15, 2008

PhD Art History candidates will present a synopsis of their thesis research.  Each presentation will be followed by a question and answer period.

There will be one presentation on Friday, November 14th at 2:30 (Room TBA).
The following day, on Saturday November 15th, there will be four presentations, starting at 11:30 am, and followed by a reception. This will all take place in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre in the Lillooet Room (second floor in the old main library section) 

Department of Art History Visual Art & Theory PhD Round table presentations

Friday, November 14 Room TBA
2:30-4 Kazuko Kameda Kamar
Image, Text, Ideology and Network:
Transforming Visual Representations of Kyokusuien in Early Modern Japan

Saturday, November 15
Where: Lillooet Room in the Chapman Learning Commons, IKBLC

11:30 Darlene Calyniuk
Pistils and Stamens: Botanophilia, Sex and Nationhood in Eighteenth-Century Georgian Britain

Jasmina Karabeg
Le Hazard Objectif — Surrealism, Science and Politics


Michael Windover
Aestheticizing Mobilities: Art Deco and the Fashioning of Interwar Public Cultures
April Liu
Living Images: Mianzhu’s Lunar New Year Pictures (nianhua) in transformation, 1860-1937