The Holy City of Jerusalem: Desire and Conflict (Workshop 1)

Thursday March 16, 2006

Main Venue: Green College, UBC, 6201 Cecil Green Park Rd.(Public Keynote Lectures at the Chan Centre and the Lasserre Building). Registration requested for the Lectures at Green College.

Lunch will be provided for those who register.

Workshop #1 – Historical Jerusalem: the City and the Metaphor
(March 16-17, 2006)
Thursday, March 16:

9:00   Registration and Coffee- Green College Reception Room
9:30   Morning Session I – Chair: Carol Knicely, Art History, Visual Art and Theory, UBC- Green College Coach House – Opening Remarks

Eva Mroczek, University of Toronto
Destroyed, Rebuilt, Imagined: Transformations of Temple in Ancient Judaism

Jennifer A. Harris, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto
The Jerusalem Temple in the Medieval Christian Imagination

11:20  Light Lunch – Green College Reception Room
12:30  Keynote Address
Public Lecture co-presented by UBC Community Affairs, Chan Centre for the Performing Arts, Royal Bank Cinema

Oleg Grabar, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
The Future of the Past: The Old City of Jerusalem

Oleg Grabar’s talk will be based on his own life history of involvement with the city of Jerusalem, first as a scholar of medieval art and culture (pursuing the meaning of the past), then as a member of a UNESCO panel and a member of the Aga Kahn Steering Committee for Islamic Architecture (on how to preserve the past and why), finally as an observer today. The question that will be debated is can a site be preserved and should it be preserved for religious or historical reasons.
Early Afternoon Free – Suggest visit to the Museum of Anthropology
Reception for Speakers and organizers offered at the home of Hsingyuan Tsao and James Cahill 4 PM.
Dinner for Speakers at Green College 6:30 PM
(If you wish to join speakers at Green College for dinner tickets are $18. Please notify Carol Knicely by Tuesday)

Friday, March 17:

9:00  Coffee – Green College Reception Room

9:30  Morning Session II
Chair Kate Steinman, Art History, Visual Art and Theory, UBC – Green College Coach House

April Liu, University of British Columbia
Narrating the Dome of the Rock: Constructing Myth and Identity in Early Medieval Jerusalem

Niall Christie, University of British Columbia and Corpus Christie College
Jerusalem in the Kitab al-Jihad of ‘Ali ibn Tahir al-Sulami (d. 1106)

10:45  Coffee – Green College Reception Room

11:15  Morning Session II, cont. –
Chair Niall Christie, Classical, Near Eastern & Religious Studies, UBC

Mitzi Kirkland-Ives, UC Santa Barbara and University of British Columbia
Loci sancti and helighe plaetsen: Re-performing the Sacred Spaces of Jerusalem in Fifteenth-century Flanders and Brabant

12:30 Lunch – Green College Reception Room
(Speakers and Registered Participants)

2:00  Roundtable Discussion – Green College Small Dining Room
(Speakers and Registered Participants)

This will be an opportunity for all speakers and interested workshop public
to participate in an open discussion and questioning about the wide
ranging historical importance of the Holy City of Jerusalem.

5:00  Reception- Green College Reception Room

7:15  Dinner – Watermark (on Kits Beach) 1305 Arbutus

The organizers of the Jerusalem Workshops wish to thank the generous support from the following at the University of British Columbia:
Green College
The Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory and the Joan Carlisle-Irving Lecture Series
The President’s Office
The Office of the Vice-President, Research
The Committee for Medieval Studies
UBC Community Affairs
