37th Annual Art History Graduate Symposium runs March 14 – 15, 2014
Keynote Judith Rodenbeck (Sarah Lawrence College)
Friday, March 14
1:00pm: Coffee
1:30pm: Opening Remarks
2:00pm: Panel I
Allan Doyle (PhD, Princeton University)
Rumble à Roma: Quatremère de Quincy, Horace Vernet, and the Question of Pedagogy at the French Academy in Rome ca. 1829
Ashley E. Dunn (PhD, Northwestern University)
Etching about Etching: A. P. Martial’s ‘Lettre sur les éléments de la gravure à l’eau-forte’ (1864)
Robert Wiesenberger (PhD, Columbia University)
Photography, Film, Interactivity: Muriel Cooper and the Visible Language Workshop
3:45pm: Keynote Speech by Judith Rodenbeck (Sarah Lawrence College)
Chameleon on a Mirror: Notes on Feedback
Moderator: T’ai Smith (University of British Columbia)
6:00: Opening Reception
Teaching Material
AHVA Gallery
Room 1001, Audain Art Centre
Saturday, March 15
10:00am: Coffee
10:30am: Panel II
Dallas Hunt (PhD, University of British Columbia)
Reading ‘Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit’ (IQ)s: Inuit Pedagogical Practices and Jacques Rancière
Vytas Narusevicius (PhD, University of British Columbia)
Wylie Schwartz (PhD, Binghamton University)
Re-envisioning the Political: The Ethical Imagination and Social Transformation in 1960s European Art
12:00pm: Lunch
1:00pm: Panel III
Elsa Lenz Kothe (PhD, University of British Columbia)
Situating the Pedagogical Turn in Participatory Art and Museum Education Practices
Heidi Applegate (PhD, Columbia University)
Educated Viewing in the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts
2:00pm: Coffee
2:15pm: Panel IV / Artist Panel
Catherine Grau and Zoe Kreye*
If Your Research Doesn’t Change You – You Haven’t Done It Right
‘Participatory Art Practices as Living Unlearning Environments’
Natalie LeBlanc (PhD, University of British Columbia)
The Force of the Abandoned School
Guadalupe Martinez (MFA, University of British Columbia)
Signifying Bodies, Active Words: Thoughts on the Work of Paulo Freire
and Julia Kristeva
3:30pm: Closing Remarks
* Catherine Grau and Zoe Kreye
Unlearning Walking Club
Saturday, March 29
12 pm, departing from the AHVA Gallery
We proudly thank our donors for their generous contributions:
Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery, Audain Endowment for Curatorial Studies (AHVA UBC), Canadian Studies Program (UBC), Department of Art History, Visual Art & Theory (UBC), Department of Asian Studies (UBC), Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy (UBC), Department of History (UBC), Faculty of Arts (UBC), Faculty of Graduate Studies Dean’s Office (UBC), Provost and Academic VP (UBC)